Organisational Change Management

Enable Digital Transformation by planning for and responding to Organisational Change impact.

Odoo • Image and Text
Do you get significant resistance to introducing new activities or roles into an organisation?
After much toiling, do you implement an IT project, only for the people to ignore it? Is there a lack of support for a particular project?
As technologists, we know the level of binary detail we have to consider to make an integration work, create a "hardened" website or deploy a new operating system into the organisation. 
That ability often credits the technology department with the planning responsibility, often on behalf of the business function too. Yet despite this, we feel we get a disproportionate level of blame when things don't work out the way we planned.

Typically, the missing part of the digital plan is a focus on people, such as: understanding how they will work in the future; soliciting support; ensuring that they are consulted; helping people accept and embrace change. Apply our framework "TEDET"™ to promote a successful outcome:

  • Target - Target the problem to solve by finding the pain point in your organisation that everyone can identify with. Use our assessments to review the level of maturity and skill.
  • Envision - Envision how people will work differently in the future. Create "tuned" messages for all people on what's in it for them. Look at what start and stops in a role.
  • Deploy - Deploy change into the organisation through assessing the impact on people's way of working. Identify those people in the organisation who will make change happen and come up with an engagement strategy to persuade.
  • Embed - Embed change in the organisation through understanding how people react to change and build in activities that will sustain the change long term.
  • Troubleshoot - Troubleshoot common ways that a transformation gets derailed and create a plan that includes the extra activities to achieve success!

We use the Partnering role in your organisation as a case study for enabling Digital Transformation. 
What are the pain points? What would be the perfect day? What changes do you need to make in order for it to be a success? How will you convince your peers and decision-makers it's the right thing to do? How will you stay the course and achieve your vision?
We provide you with the tools and approaches to answer the above questions.

The Outcome

Feel sufficiently confident to implement the techniques on finishing the course to ensure your digital plan succeeds!

Benefits of applying the workshop techniques

New Embedded Practices

  • A real change in the way business is done.
  • Detail implementation tips on overcoming resistance.
  • The key approaches that make sustainable change happen - a change in habits.

The Right Focus

  • Shift from just a technology focus to a more people oriented focus.
  • Focus on the pain people suffer today as a cause for change.

Realistic Assessment

  • Review the organisation maturity and the level of skill.
  • Target those areas that stand to deliver the most benefit.


  • By asking the right questions and thinking about how people are impacted, activities can be incorporated into your plan that significantly increase the chance of success.

Organisational Change Syllabus

  • Create Urgency in the Organisation 

  • Illustration: Why Strategic Partnerships

  • YOU as the transformation Leader

  • Diagnostic

  • From-To Impact Assessments

  • Capability Impact Assessments

  • Competency Model

  • Role Design

  • Organisation Partner Maturity and Approach

  • Engagement Plan - Leaders

  • Overcoming Resistance Part 1

  • Engagement Plan - The Organisation

  • Create Urgency in the Message

  • Tell a Story

  • Training Approach

  • Recruitment / Reallocation

  • Credibility, Empathy And Ego

  • Ego Drives Politics

  • Politics

  • Tactics To Manage Politics

  • Cultural Values

  • Overcoming Resistance Part 2

  • Failure Mode Reference Guide

Sample video from our training course

This video comes from the section Target / "You As The Transformational Leader".



What you get:

Clear framework

Approach oriented towards business outcomes.

Tools you can use

Celebrated by delegates for providing fresh insight into knotty problems.


Exercises either in a workshop format or as an individual exercise. The opportunity for feedback on your work and a true-to-life scenario-based exam!

Reflection and interaction with peers 

The opportunity to stand back and reflect on personal and team performance in a safe environment. Share experiences with the tutor and other delegates.

What we bring:

Thought leadership

Analysis of industry trends and methodologies. Customer-based research and case studies


Contextual understanding of your challenges, exchange of experience and discussion on how to make changes in your workplace.

Years of experience

All tutors are senior managers who have done similar roles.

Listening and coaching skills

Our workshops and coaching sessions help surface new perspectives on old problems.

  • Create a sense of urgency amongst staff 
  • Create a compelling case for strategic partnerships
  •  Think of yourself as a leader
  • Do an impact assessment and create a future vision
  • Define a plan to successfully deliver change
  • Define roles
  • Overcome resistance 

  • Coming soon!

  • Discuss your requirements with us to see how we can help
  • Be the first to find out about new whitepapers, blogposts, podcasts, videos and events relating to Strategic Digital Business Partnering.